Thursday, December 18, 2008

Strategic List of Goals -- One at a Time Goal Program

Here is the value I have to offer you, a program which spells out the nuts and bolts of life's greatest adventure:

Self Actualization

In today's post I am going to list the first several goals -- stepping stones -- on the path to actualizing our full, awesome potential. These first few goals will take us through the next few weeks.

Two preliminary guidelines:

One. You can make best use of the awesome, unestimal, hidden power of your subconscious mind by feeding it one goal at a time. Maxwell Maltz (Psycho-Cybernetics) described an hour glass that lets one grain of sand though at a time, basically a feed-hopper or funnel that gets jammed if you try to cram to many goals into it at once.

Two. In general, it takes 21 days of dedicated practice to make a habit out of anything new you do. Many of the following gaols provide you with a set of new practices exercises that are meant to become good habits. So give yourself 21 days to assimulate them before feeding in a another goal into your goal-hopper.

Top Tip: Go to Amazon and get your copy of Psycho-Cybernetics --- a true classic for your self help library.

And remember, don't jam your goal hopper. Also remember

Part I. Foundation Goals

1. Become present. Focus all of your attention on the present moment. I will go into more detail on this one in my next post. Basically, this goal is meant to clear and reset our minds, to free our minds of all the negative , habitual thought patterns that have resulted from our past conditioning. It's a way of defeating the limitng belief system --- a kind of safety interlock network that we learn in life, but turns out to be overkill and needs to be left behind.

How to achieve this goal? For 21 days (it took me six weeks and I'm still working on it) do the spiritual practices that Eckhart Tolle described in his various books, including The Power of Now and A New Earth.

2. Adopt a morning ritual, similar to those described by Natural Tim and Eben Pagan (both on the web).

3. Adopt an evening ritual, like that described by Matt Furey, in 101 Ways to Magnetize Money.

4. Define your purpose and passions in life. This will reveal the best direction for our respective future goal setting.

5. Daily relaxation through visualization.

6. Daily goal visualization.

7. Learn and adopt the Path of Mastery.

8. Adopt a new self image, unfettered by your previous limiting beliefs.

9. Learn and adopt concentration and mental focus.

10. Learn the techniques to elicit higher mental/emotional states.

11. Eidetic Visualization.

12. ?

II. Sucessful Mental / Emotional States

1. Gratitude

2. Eliminate the negative (relates back to goal I.1)

3. Abundance

4. Magnetize money (Matt Furey)

5. Masculine intent (Real Social Dynamics -- RSD)

6. More references to RSD

7. ?

III. Skill Goals

IV. Action Goals

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