Monday, February 2, 2009

Revised List of Goals

It seems I made a false start. Here's my revised list of goals, in what I think is the most rational order of achieving them. Please leave your comments.

Basic Goals for Self Actualization

Goal 1. Presence, Being in the Now: Achieve a measure of Presence, or total attention to the present moment for a large part of your day, free from the incessant mental chatter of your mind, especially the negative stuff. Spiritual exercises to achieve this have been described by Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now and The New Earth. Natural Tim also offers some insight. He refers to this as your Soul Baseline Level, or SBL. Maxwell Maltz councils us to focus our attention on what is happening in the present situation. This goal was tougher to achieve than I thought, and I am still working at keeping a measure of Presence throughout my day, working at not backsliding into the machinations of my ego. Sounds simple but is a tough one, indeed, and clearly the place to start because it liberates you from the fears and snares of your ego that can impair your progress towards any goal.

Goal 2. Concentration and Focus, or honing your ability to focus and concentrate your attention on a single image. These skills help to unleash the power of your subconscious mind, to activate what Maxwell Maltz calls our Creative Success Mechanism.

Goal 3. Learn relaxation techniques. Another key tool for achieving goals.

Goal 4. Adopt a physical training routine. The goal is integrate this permanently into your lifestyle. A real catalyst for achieving goals.

Goal 5. Ensure proper nutrution. No more muck. Another catalyst, while sweets and junk food are poison when it comes to achieving goals.

Goal 6. Learn, hone and grow your visualization skills. Lots to learn here, and ties in with the five goals above.

Goal 7. Adopt a visualization routine. Yes, there are some visualization exercises you will want to adopt into your daily routine, once you experience their power.

Goal 8. Adopt a morning Ritual. This is where you consolidate the first seven goals.

Goal 9. Adopt a nightly ritual. This is the time to prime your mind and subconscious to propel you forward even while you sleep.

Goal 10. Find your Purpose, Direction, Destiny and Passions. With so much goal striving powerfrom the first nine goals, you need to set yourself in the right direction for you.

Goal 11. Adopt and internalize the One Goal at a Time mindset. No more multitasking!

Goal 12. 21 day rule for habit formation, with an example habit, the Happines Habit.

Goal 13. Keep a pocket notebook to record both success and corrective feedback experiences, and all of the great ideas that ambush your mind.

Goal 14. How to develop a deep driving desire.

Goal 15. Process corrective feedback to your best advantage.

Goal 16. Elicit / access optimal mental emotional states using NLP anchors

Goal 17. Develop the habit of spending at least 50% of your time in action towards your goals. Yes, there is life beyond goal setting --- achieving them!

Goal. 18. Start listing goals that stem from your passions from Goal #10.

Goal 19. Review Goal: Honing your ability to commune with your Soul, the Source, the Universal Consciousness

Goal 20. Self Image Goals: basic attributes

----to be continued---

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